Learn Grow Transform
We bring together expertly-led Yoga classes, the latest in Energy Healing and Mental Health, wellness programs, and cutting-edge medicine services. We are constantly offering workshops! From yoga to emotional fitness and from cacao ceremonies to sound healing to nutrition. The best technologies to improve our mindset are offered here at Om’echaye along with yoga intent.
Intent Yoga workshops
In the yoga workshops we focus on a very specific area of yoga, a specific asana (positions), a particular breath (pranayama), a mantra or we bring practice into the philosophy of yoga. These workshops are geared to deepen the yoga practice and increase the benefits of that particular area.
Intent Yoga Master classes
These are general yoga classes and they are open to everyone. They focus on feeling good, having fun and enjoying the community.
Aliveness: Emotional fitness workshops
In this unique experience of allowing your body to release muscle tension caused by stress and anxiety, through a creative way of working with your body, releasing emotions and relaxing the mind. Muscle tensions in the body not only cause us pain and discomfort, but also consume the energy we need to enjoy and relax. In this class we will use breathing, movement, discharge and the use of voice to evoke deep states of relaxation and well-being.
Sound Healing Workshops
Sound healing, also known as vibrational healing, uses the vibration of the human voice as well as instruments, to promote balance and healing in the body, mind and heart. The oscillations of the sound waves have the power to penetrate into our cells and the fibers of our body, creating a subtle massage and very deep relaxation. On the emotional and mental levels the sounds allow us to receive our emotions with grace while letting go of our thoughts that are not helping us to be present. That whole process helps us to become more mindful, aware and caring of ourselves, bringing peace, mindfulness and love into our life.
Continuing Education Yoga Workshops
This is Yoga for teachers and is geared to all those teachers who wants to improve their skills in the following areas: Sequencing, cuing, adjusting, anatomy, meditation or Philosophy.